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Membership Checking

LecturePanda’s membership checking tools allow you to enforce pricing rules and restrict access to lectures by membership status.

Email Domains

Create a membership domain list. Each list has a unique name and consists of one or more email domains. These membership lists can be used when setting up a lecture’s Registration Security


Email List

Create a membership email list. Each list has a unique name and consists of one or more email addresses. These membership lists can be used when setting up a lecture’s Registration Security and Payment Rules.


Detail NameDescription
Email List NicknameSet the name for this email list.
Join LinkOptional. Add a link that will be presented as a “Join Us” link during registration to build this email list.
Manually Add MembersAdmins can also manually add members to this list by entering an email address, member type, and name.

AMS/CRM Integrations

LecturePanda can connect with an AMS or CRM to make managing subscriber data simple.


Detail NameDescription
CRM/AMS IntegrationsIntegrate your CRM/AMS with your LecturePanda Account.

Current AMSIntegrations Include:

  • NeonCRM
  • Membee SSO
  • MemberClicks
  • MemberClicks Classic
  • MembershipWorks
  • Naylor
  • Wild Apricot
  • YourMembership

Tip: LecturePanda can use the member types from your CRM and map them to a default Registration Type.